


19 Jan
Posted By: Kate Times Read: 2174

Lat.: Citrus limon.

Family: Rutaceae.

Originated in Asia.

It’s a small evergreen tree 3–6 metres high. Its young oval leaves have a decidedly reddish tint; later they turn green. The flowers have a sweet odour. The lemon fruit is an ellipsoid berry surrounded by a green rind, which ripens to yellow. The seeds are small, ovoid and pointed. Among the important by-products of lemons are citric acid, citrate of lime, lemon oil, and pectin. Preparation of the oil, used in perfumes, soap, and flavouring extract, is an important industry in Sicily. Citric acid is used in beverage manufacturing. Pectin has long been an important material for making fruit jellies.

Lemon contains nutrients: dietary fiber, carbohydrate, protein; Vitamins: Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Thiamin; Minerals: copper, calcium, iron.

Lemons are a popular fruit and used in small quantities and with herbs and spices, but they are rarely consumed alone, due to their intense, sour flavor.

They give flavor to many sauces, salad dressings, marinades, drinks, and desserts, and they are also a good source of vitamin C.

Take note this recipe and feel like a true gourmet. Lemon curd will be a perfect and delicious addition to your sweet dishes.


4 lemons

200g sugar

100g butter (cut into cubes)

3 eggs and 1 free-range egg yolk

Put the lemon zest and juice, the sugar and the butter into a bowl. Sit the bowl over a pan of gently simmering water, making sure the water is not touching the bottom of the bowl. Stir the mixture every now and again until all of the butter has melted.

Lightly whisk the eggs and egg yolk and stir them into the lemon mixture. Whisk until all of the ingredients are well combined, then leave to cook for 10-13 minutes, stirring every now and again, until the mixture is creamy and thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.

Remove the lemon curd from the heat and set aside to cool, stirring occasionally as it cools. Once cooled, spoon the lemon curd into sterilised jars and seal. Keep in the fridge until ready to use.

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