


04 Jan
Posted By: Oxana Times Read: 1620

Valeriana, or Valeriana officinal, belongs to the family Valerianaceae. It is known as a perennial plant that grows in Europe, North America and Asia although its motherland is known to be England. You can recognize this plant by dark leaves and white or pink flowers. Its name comes from the Latin verb valere (it means to be healthy and strong).

Interesting facts about Valerian

·       Valerian has a very long history. It was already used in ancient Rome and Greece.

·       It is believed that in the Middle Ages people used Valerian roots and flowers as perfume.

·       Valerian is attractive not only to cats, but also rats, dogs and, surprisingly, earthworms.

·      Cats adore this herb due to its component - the valeric acid that acts as a pheromone for cats.

Methods of use:

Valerian tablets and capsules

Tea tinctures

Valerian extracts. By the way Hawaii Pharm would like to recommend you high-quality Valerian extracts. 

Calming bath

To prepare such a relaxing bath take about 75 g of dried valerian root and grind it.

Add 2 litres of water, wait until the water boils and after that simmer for approximately 5 minutes.

Cover it and wait for 20 minutes. Then add to your evening bath.

“You should never get nervous about anything. What today seems important tomorrow isn’t so any more”.

Tito Vilanova






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