


22 May
Posted By: Anastasiya Times Read: 2444


LATIN NAME: Inonotus Obliquus

OTHER NAMES: Black Burch Mushroom, Chaga Mushroom, Chaga, Tinder Spider.

HABITAT: United States, Canada and Russia.

Chaga grows in different types of forests and can be found not only on birch trees, but also on other trees like alder, mountain ash, ash. Still, the best places for Inonotus Obliquus are birches.

BOTANICAL INFORMATION: Chaga (Inonotus Obliquus) is also known as the birch mushroom). It belongs to the Hymenochaetaceae family; class Basidomycetes; type Fungi.

Chaga is a parasitic fungus, which is a hard large gnarl on birch trunks. This mushroom is of oval or round shape and can have the size of 40–50 cm in diameter and can weigh from 1 to 6 kg. The fungus hyphae penetrate into the wood of the tree, feed on birch juice, cause the destruction of the wood and the decay of the whole tree. On top of the gnarl the fungus is dark and cracked.  Inside it is dark brown with small yellow streaks at the place of attachment to the tree. If conditions are good, Chaga can grow for up to 20 years.

Chaga gnarl usually grows in places of mechanical destruction of the tree. This fungus affects only living trees, mostly old birches. Basidiospores of the fungus, scattered in the air, enter the “injured” areas of the bark and sprout, forming mycelium. Mycelium filaments destroy wood and cause internal pale rot. In the place of the primary fungus infection, appears gnarl. (In 3-4 years)

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Chaga is extremely rich in good chemical substances.  It contains: enzymes, chloride, triterpenes, Vitamines B12, B 2, B3, K, phenolsterols, polysaccharides, triterpenoids, pterins and pteridine derivatives, agaricin and humic-like chagic acids; water-soluble pigments, which form a chromogenic polyphenol-carbon complex; organic acids: acetic, oxalic, vanillic, formic, lilac; inonotic and obliquinous acids; ergosterol, lanosterol and inotodiol; lipids; traces of alkaloids of unexplained structure; lignin, fiber, free phenols, flavonoids, coumarin pecedanin, cellulose, tannins, saponins, gums and other trace elements in the form of oxides.


  • Chaga`s appearance is far from the idea of what a mushroom should be. In fact, it looks like a charred tree or piece of coal.
  • Siberians call Birch mushroom a “gift from God” or “a mushroom of immortality.”
  • The Japanese call it “the forest diamond”, and among the Chinese it is known as the “king of plants”. 
  • Inonotus Obliquus grows on birch trees and sometimes the fungus can reach the size of a human`s head.
  • Nowadays, tea and coffee from Chaga mushroom are gaining popularity.

*Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

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